First post

I can’t believe it’s 2013.

Mostly I can’t believe it’s 2013 and cars can’t drive themselves and calories still exist. I don’t know what those scientists and engineers are up to, but it sounds to me like certain people need to slow down on their World of Warcraft.

Regardless, we don’t and I’m just going to have to move on.

New developments:


With the fire of a thousand suns. I didn’t even make it through ski school, you guys. I’m a ski school dropout. The melody to “Beauty School Dropout” keeps going through my head, which I am totally ok with. Frenchie was my favorite character, and it turns out that we have a lot in common. Quitters with cute hair.

I’ve fallen in love with some new bands. I’ll save those for another post.

I’m diving deep into “Little Women” and it’s breaking my heart and building me up. It’s everything a great novel should be. This is not my first time to read it, but this is my first time to feel it. There is a huge difference.

I haven’t had a Coke in three days. Lord, give me strength.

Nine days until Austin and Olympic swimmers!

Still having major feels for Les Mis.

My sweet friend Tamara asked me to be a bridesmaid in her wedding.

I’m back to being a redhead.

Pretty eventful for only being nine days into the new year.

I’m so excited for this new year. Great things are on the horizon, and I wish I could go into more detail about that but now is not the right time.

Thank you for reading this blog and taking a personal interest in my life. You mean more to me than you know!

2 thoughts on “First post

  1. Courtney T says:

    Who can we send hate mail to about those calories?!? I am glad 2013 has started off pretty fantastic for you! I hope it continues to be super!!! A red head again? I need Instagram proof! Ya heard? 🙂

    • thebiggitybigblog says:

      I’ll definitely get on that! Why do you not have a blog missy? And if you do, why do I not know about it?!

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